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New Solicitation Ordinance

Date: August 15, 2016

On August 12, the City of Bedford enacted an new solicitation ordinance. It has new rules for solicitation door to door in residential neighborhoods.

You may chose to get on the list for "NO Solicitation". The list will be given to all permitted solicitors.

Another great feature of the ordinance is permitted solicitors will be required to wear traffic safety vests. It will be easy to identify non permitted individuals.

They have also restricted hours for solicitation. No solicitations allowed before 9am or after 8pm, Sundays and holidays.

Here is the link for more details: https://www.bedfordpolice.com/new-solicitor-ordinance

Form for submission to the Bedford Police Department is attached for your convenience.

Mail attached pdf or drop it off at:

    Bedford Police Department
    2121 L. Don Dodson Drive
    Bedford, TX 76921

Here is the link for the form:


Village of Oak Park Homeowners Association

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